Tag Archives: Preparedness

The Joys of No Water….

A couple of weeks ago, we realized that we did not have any water when we went to flush the toilet.  This happens every now and then.  This time we were told it was because they were doing road construction and broke the water line.  Well, we usually have drinking water that we have purchased, depending on the day of the week and how close it is to the time to buy again.  The closer to time, probably we will have less water.  Well, we had plenty of drinking water, so we were prepared for that 🙂  However, the harder part was that with 5 people in the house, we could not flush the toilet!  Not fun….

We took the kids to school that morning, so that was the first blessing of the day!  We could use the bathrooms there!!!  The next blessing was that it is the beginning of the rainy season here, so that afternoon we got a nice downpour!  Why was that a blessing?  Well, I was talking to a friend about how funny it was that we were without water to flush toilets, but there was plenty outside.  He laughed and he said, yea, too bad you could not put buckets outside and collect it and use it to flush your toilets.  See, he and his family have a reservoir at their house, so they always have water.  We however do not.  But I thought, that was exactly what I was going to do.  I only had one bucket, but I had bowls in the kitchen and I could use that!  As I was going to get the bucket from the wash area, I noticed the gutter spout with water pouring out of it!  I decided, we are not going to drink this, so this would be much quicker to collect it from the gutter!!!  So that is exactly what I did!  I have never been so happy to have functioning gutters!!!  Oh, the little things 🙂

It did get me thinking about how quickly each of our situations in life can change.  Are we prepared?  When the water would cut off regularly when we first arrived, we always had wipes handy for cleaning hands and bodies.  We had water stored in what we had on hand at all times, just in case.  Then it quit going away as often, so we dumped the stale water out and lapsed in refilling them.  Then when it went off again unexpectedly, we were not prepared.  It reminds me of the virgins and their lamps with their oil, prepared (or in some cases not prepared) to meet their bridegroom.  The picture is meant to make us realize that we need to be ready to meet our Lord at any moment, because at any moment, our situations can change and our time might be called.  Are you ready to meet your Lord?  Our God is perfect, whose perfection demands that we come before Him white as snow, covered only in the perfection of His son Jesus Christ who died for us on the cross.  It is my prayer that everyone examines their relationship with God.  Make sure that you are prepared, because our situations can change in a heartbeat and we may be called to stand before God.  Are you going to be white as snow before Him?  If not, ask right now for forgiveness of your sins and for Christ to deliver you from them.  He is ready for you to come to Him.

Here are pictures of me collecting water from our gutters, making up for not being prepared……


Posted by on May 16, 2009 in Uncategorized


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